Section: Dissemination


Philippe Marquet is vice-president of the Société informatique de France, the French learned society in computer science.

Philippe Marquet is involved in scientific popularization and co-animate the group of people interested in science popularization within the Inria Lille - Nord Europe Research Center. He is also of member of the group for networking about computer science popularization inside Inria.

He organizes and participates to the visit of classrooms on the Inria Plateau at EuraTechnologies, promoting interactions between the scientific community and secondary school students and their teachers. He organizes and/or animates events with children and/or adults in order to initiate them to code via Scratch or to computer science via unplugged activities, and more generally promoting computer science education.

Philippe Marquet is a member of the editorial board of 1024, the bulletin of the Société informatique de France that aims at showing informatics, science and technology, in all its dimensions. 1024 targets a wide audience, from high school students to researcher, including anyone interested in computer science.